Geology, economics, and mechanics are humanities when taught with reference to the successive achievements of the geniuses to which these sciences owe their being.
After gazing spellbound, I began instinctively to scrutinize every notch and gorge and weathered buttress of the mountain, with reference to making the ascent.
The fertile clouds, drooping and condensing in brooding silence, seem to be thoughtfully examining the forests and streams with reference to the work that lies before them.
Article 45. With reference to Article 35 of the Law, payment of remuneration by performers to copyright owner shall be done through the person who has organized the performance in question.
Aristotle, Poetics, trans. Stephen Halliwell (Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 1995), 19. All subsequent references to this edition are given in the text with reference to the Greek pagination.
1. 亚里士多德,《诗学》,译。 Stephen Halliwell(剑桥,马萨诸塞州:哈佛大学出版社,1995 年),19。此版本所有后续文献均在正文中希腊文页码给出。